Being in a relationship with mySELF

Okay, I know that the title of this post is kind of cliche, but I’m going to write about it because this is me having my aha! moment.  I suppose there is a touch of the whole “Eat, Pray, Love” thing (though I haven’t actually read it) but bear with me.

When I was in elementary school I was queen bee; the boys liked me, the girls wanted to be my friend, I was smart (and made exceptional grades) and basically was just all around “living the life” (though as I’m writing this, I realize that sounds kind of sad).  When I was 12, however, my family and I moved to another city and everything kind of turned around.  I’m 98% positive that my anxiety kicked in at that age because of hormones and the like but basically I became this shy little 12 year old in a completely alien setting.

 I was fiercely passionate about being my own individual self but there was also always a part of me that wanted to be popular again.  In my particular school that essentially meant doing things like going to the tanning bed, having a boyfriend (of course), going to parties, having parents that didn’t care what I did and basically acting a lot older than I really was.  Even since going to college there has still been a part of me that wants to live the elite southern socialite life; going to swanky country clubs and luncheons, having a wealthy husband (I know, my inner feminist is cringing), and generally not having a care in the world (especially financial)…

I recently posted about this book I’m reading by SARK, “Make Your Creative Dreams Real.”  This books has just motivated me so so much to work on figuring out what want (not what I think other people would like me for).  And that is where being “in a relationship” with myself comes in.  Instead of focusing on finding a boyfriend, I want to seek my own dreams and be my own person.  After all, you always hear that a relationship can’t work if you aren’t happy with yourself.  

So, this is another one of my goals: to stop focusing on other people’s view of me (particularly the opposite sex) and focus on my own fulfillment and purpose.  It’s going to be difficult– I mean I will literally have to change the way I think.  But hey, making a goal is the first step, right?